Glenview, IL

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During the month of November 2023 in Glenview, IL, a known plastic surgeon office experienced a bad heat exchanger in the RTU. Most rooftop units incorporate both heating and cooling in one package. When the furnace heat exchanger cracks, carbon monoxide is emitted into the building. One of the immediate options is to rent a heat pump, install an indirect fired heater or electric heaters. The Property Manager of the building must act fast and decide on the permanent RTU fix while the temporary rental equipment is being leased. With respect to the RTU there are two choices: 1) Replace the damaged heat exchanger if you can find a replacement or 2) replace the entire RTU. Unfortunately, when the furnace heat exchanger goes, the unit is often old and has outdated cooling refrigerant in it. The only option in this situation was to replace the entire rooftop unit. Portable equipment rentals can be onsite for some time until the new equipment is installed.